"During the week of the May 2022 Lunar Eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, I received three inquiries regarding career moves, always a potent topic of great relevant to the person asking..."
So begins my article that explores three horaries cast within a short amount of time on a similar topic: career moves. Should I take an opportunity even if it is not great? Should I move to a new company that pays more? Should I go back to the classroom?
We all have a career path - for some it is a line of clear ascent; for others, it is more non-linear, a mosaic of experiences and learning that makes sense in hindsight. I absolutely love questions of career because they are really questions of values, authenticity, agency, personal power, and evolution.
Here's the link to the article: https://www.opaastrology.org/SOLSTICEJune2022CA.pdf